Séminaire LYSL015 - Troubles développementaux du langage oral

Christophe Parisse - INSERM/Modyco/CNRS & Université Paris Nanterre

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Identifying specific language impairment in deaf children acquiring British Sign Language: Implications for theory and practice

Language experience in LSF development: Behavioral evidence from a sentence repetition task

Psycholinguistic Markers for Specific Language Impairment (SLI)

Comparison of severity ratings on norm-referenced tests for children with specific language impairment

Specific Language Impairment in French-Speaking Children: Beyond Grammatical Morphology

Children With Specific Language Impairment and Resolved Late Talkers: Working Memory Profiles at 5 Years

Interaction of Language Processing and Motor Skill in Children With Specific Language Impairment


Children with specific language impairment: The role of prosodic processes in explaining difficulties in processing syntactic information

Phonological representations in children with SLI

Learning novel words: Detail and vulnerability of initial representations for children with specific language impairment and typically developing peers

The role of phonotactic frequency in sentence repetition by children with specific language impairments


Which people with specific language impairment have auditory processing deficits?


Learning and Memory Performance of Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)

Declarative and procedural memory in Danish speaking children with specific language impairment

Novel-word learning deficits in Mandarin-speaking preschool children with specific language impairments

Working memory performance and executive function behaviors in young children with SLI


The contribution of processing impairments to SLI: Insights from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

The impact of specific language impairment on working memory in children with ADHD combined subtype


Morphophonological salience as a compensatory means for deficits in the acquisition of past tense in SLI

Narrative skills in Swedish children with language impairment

Auditory word recognition of nouns and verbs in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)

Language-Specific Effects of Task Demands on the Manifestation of Specific Language Impairment: A Comparison of English and Icelandic

The use of tense and agreement by Hungarian-speaking children with language impairment

Documents de cours écrits

Troubles dévelopmentaux du langage oral
Troubles des enfants bilingues
Exemples d'analyses d'articles
Classification des troubles du langage oral
Troubles linguistiques
Troubles cognitifs
Langage et développement cérébral
Articles développement cérébral

Documents de cours versions orales

  1. Troubles dévelopmentaux du langage oral POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires)
  2. Troubles des enfants bilingues POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires)
  3. Classification des troubles du langage POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires)
  4. Troubles linguistiques POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires)
  5. Troubles cognitifs POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires)
  6. Langage et développement cérébral POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires)

Compléments: analyses d'articles

  1. Exemples d'analyses d'articles sur l'évaluation du langage
    POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires) PDF
  2. Exemples d'analyses d'articles sur les aspects linguistiques
    POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires) PDF
  3. Exemples d'analyses d'articles sur les aspects cognitifs
    POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires) PDF
  4. Exemples d'analyses d'articles sur l'imagerie cérébrale
    POWERPOINT (avec commentaires) MP4 (avec commentaires) PDF